When it comes to choosing the right soybean variety and traits for your farm the choices can be challenging and confusing. With a huge selection of genetics to choose from along with an extensive and advanced selection of chemical trait offerings, we can help you confidently select the right soybean seed and trait combination to help you get the most yield you can possibly get.
Here at Black's Valley Ag we believe that no two farms are the same, that means that we strive to select seed that fits best on your soil types, management practices, and weed pressure. By having so many seed companies to offer you, we feel that we can give you the most unbiased, educated, and honest recommendation on how to help you get the most return on your investments and get the highest yield possible.
Especially in our geography, soybean seed treatments are an important tool we can use to help get our plants growing healthily and to help protect our yield in our cold, wet soils. With our own bulk soybean treater, we can treat our soybeans using the most advanced treatments available. We have a variety of different treatment options to choose from along with a variety of innoculants available to give you the best fit for your operation.
Weed pressure in soybeans, especially waterhemp and giant ragweed, is getting worse each year as they become more resistant to the Glyphosate herbicide that our industry has become so reliant on. That's why it is so important to know the pro's and con's of each chemical trait package in order to best manage the weeds in your soybean fields and manage your risk.
By having multiple seed brands, we are not forced into promoting any certain chemical trait, but we can help you find the best one for your field. That's why here at Black's we offer a large variety of soybean seed traits like Enlist E3, GT/LL/27, Liberty Link, XtendFlex, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend, Roundup Ready 2, and conventional soybeans to give you options to choose from.
Why have so many? Because we believe in doing our homework and helping you make an informed decision with all of the choices our industry has to offer, and to help fight herbicide resistance and protect our farms for years to come.
We are here to help, so please give us a call today to set up a time to go over seed for this next growing season!